To strive to be an Internationally recognized leader in socially relevant Legal Research and education in India. To promote the dissemination of legal knowledge in order to make the legal process an efficient instrument to empower people at all levels. To develop the sense of responsibility in every student towards the application of Law especially in the areas of Legislation and Advocacy. To promote industry-focused study of Law in relation to Commerce, Banking, Technology, Knowledge Processing and Development.

To educate students to become Good Lawyers and leaders who would be Ethical, Skilled and Committed to Professionalism in Public Life. Fostering an Intellectual Culture that bridges theory with practice and contributing to Social, Economic and Cultural Development through Intellectual products. To educate students to be competent to become critics and reformers of the Law. It is our mission to create and maintain a National and International Reputation for Excellence.

These are our core values :
• Integrity
• Quality
• Reliability
• Teamwork
• Trust

• To help in establishing a proper environment, where students acquire knowledge and technical skills enabling them to be competitive globally.
• To acquaint the students with socio-cultural and economic ethos of the nation.
• To develop a balanced perception of life.